I suppose I’ve been a communicator all my life.  As a small crumb cruncher I asked a lot of questions.  As an adult I put the answers to good use, enjoying a successful 17 year career in sales and marketing.  My friends said I could probably sell ice cubes to Eskimos, which might explain the period of global cooling we’ve been experiencing.  They also said that where I really belonged was on the radio.  Now I know why.

At the tender age of 38 I followed a long standing desire and embarked on a new career, broke into broadcasting, and eventually settled into a radio career that encompassed both Philadelphia and New York.  The latter was especially popular with all my friends because finally they could shut me up with a simple ten cent knob — CLICK!

Twenty more years and my own commercial production business have catapulted by since that observation and they were all successful … so I guess someone was listening!  You might say I’ve been a jack of several trades and mastered most of them.  I even designed and built our log home, where I live on a hillside in the middle of a forest, with Vigi, the world’s most patient woman, Rusty and Freckles our furry four legged kids, as well as several other varieties of feathered and finned creatures. It’s true … you don’t have to take a goldfish for a walk.

Four children are a different story.  A few years back, they joined forces to make me the world’s youngest grandpa’ by peppering me with eight grandkids, but that was then, this is now and they’ve grown too big to bounce on my knee anymore.  It all makes me wonder who that stranger is looking out at me from the mirror … and just noticed that I’ve reduced my entire life to a mere four paragraphs!

The kid within, old coot in the looking glass, and the blur of changes that have marked the march of time serve to remind me that although everyone may not be able to make a mark on the world, most of us can at least leave a smudge!

Thanks for stopping by,